paradise on earth

paradise on earth

Solo designer


Installation Art, AR Interaction, Illustration, Animation

Focusing on



This project's sarcastic title, "Paradise on Earth," questions whether the "censorship culture" in which we live is a paradise or a hell.

Through this project, I hope to expose these long-standing social problems around us and to highlight the significance of personal privacy and freedom of expression for the development of society.

The project manifests through multiple mediums, encompassing an AR interactive experience built in Unity, a series of 6 conceptual posters, and an animated sequence.

The centerpiece is a physical installation - a cube structure constructed with steel frames, illuminated by neon lights and laser fabric.

This multi-disciplinary approach allows viewers to engage with the concept through different perspectives, from digital interaction to tangible space, creating a comprehensive dialogue about surveillance and freedom.


Paradise on Earth




Student Graduation Design


Effy Lan

Special thanks to my cousin and roommate for their invaluable support in transporting and assembling the installation.

Design Process


Why it works  Rufus Run shows how Amazon delivers deals with exceptional speed and customer service, in this fantasy world.  The interconnectedness between the split screens will also capture people's attention, while setting itself apart from the original trend.



The Cube

Make The Invisible Wall visible

The Cube

Make The Invisible Wall visible

The Cube

Make The Invisible Wall visible

AR demo


Using the human eyes as a key cue, a huge number of body parts are extracted and superimposed using artistic modeling, removing and combining multiple body parts to portray the misery and struggle of people caught under continual surveillance and suppression of free speech.

Experimental Short animation